Classes I Teach

Cecile is available to travel to classes on request. All classes can be shaped to suit the skill level and interests of the participants. Shops and Groups are welcome to contact Cecile for more details.

Tactile Textiles – Start with a blank canvas (fabric, paper or canvas boards) build a fantastic background by screen printing, stamping, stencilling or sponging with paints and discharge paste, then while this dries, play with Lutradur, Angelina, Tyvek, Foils and more to make a range of surface embellishments. Either use everything together to create a finished wall hanging sized piece or use as a sampler skill builder. One or two day class, though each element can be done as a half day.

Image coming soon

Fabric Dyeing – Dye a rainbow palette of colour blending three or more colours, learn how to make shades and tints. Or if you already have basic dyeing skills, learn how to hand paint and variegate your fabrics; build to shibori or ombre techniques. One to four day classes depending on content included.

Stunning Surface Design – In this class, you explore a broad range of products to alter the fabric surface, both colour and texture. Media used ranges of fabric paints, pigments, Shiva stiks, and textural pastes and mediums. Techniques range from sponging, painting, stencils, sprays and screen printing. Generally, you will end up with a range of fat quarter or eighth sized pieces which can be incorporated into projects or built into a sample “book” for future reference. Students can make colourfast fabrics or a mixture of colourfast and some non colourfast pieces. One to two day classes depending on content included.


Fabric Collage – Explore a range of “fabric” media and build a small number of matching collage pieces. Media includes cotton, sheers, velvet, felt, lace, beads etc. Can also incorporate some of the surface design techniques. Sewing machines prefered for this class but not essential. Half day or one day class.

Little Boxes Wall Hanging – This class focusses on using colour, particularly using value to create a colour run or colourwash effect. You will play with a range of different textiles from flat cottons to sheers, velvets and so much more. Your pieces will be rotary cut and then manipulated based on colour value to build a fantastic wall hanging. Pieces are raw edge appliqued into place with double sided web. Machines are not necessary for the class. One day class.

Wandering Paths – Use templates to cut out Drunkards Path blocks. Learn foolproof methods for sewing your curves and experiment with different layouts to find the perfect, unique combinations that show case your work. Sewing Machines are required for this class.  One day class will give you all the techniques and plenty of ideas.  Two days will allow for experimentation with layouts.

Wonkey Logs – Learn to build off centre Log Cabin blocks and be amazed at the different effects. Start the class by planning the blocks, experiment with different colour groupings and then examine different techniques for block construction to find the one that suits you. Finish by playing with a range of different layouts to find one that suits you.  Sewing Machines are required for this class.   One day class will give you all the techniques and plenty of ideas.  Two days will allow for experimentation with layouts and more completed construction.


3 responses

9 01 2011
pat dwyer

Cecile I would like to know if you have a class schedule anywhere..I would love to do a surface design class with you some time soon..cheers Pat

9 01 2011

I did reply and it did not take. I don’t have classes scheduled at this stage but I will be running some face to face this year. Keep an eye out here and on Facebook and you won’t miss out.

9 01 2011

I obviously did something strange, because I just had to approve my comment as moderator. LOL

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