12 Days of Christmas – Day 12 – Textile Art Kits

17 12 2015

If you are reading this, it is probably no surprise to you that I like to work with lots and lots of different fabrics to get a good mix of texuture and light reflection and refraction.  You can’t go past adding different types of fabrics to change the visual impact of a finished piece.  I have routinely been asked to create kits for some of my more textural quilts.   So, I have started doing that.  For today’s special, I offer 25% off any kits currently listed on the website while stock lasts.  I don’t have huge numbers of any of these kits.  To get the discount, you need to use the discount code Christmas15

Here is the link to Kits on the website:  http://www.uniquestitching.com.au/c/256569/1/kits.html

And here are pictures of the kits I have loaded up

Textured Garden sml

Scattered circles table runner sml


Wild women newsletter version

12 Days of Christmas – Day 11 – Foundation Piecing and 2016 BOMs

16 12 2015

I love paper piecing or what is often called foundation piecing.  The foundation does not have to be paper.  Foundation piecing is an old, old technique that is still as applicable in modern quilts and contemporary quilting as ever before.  It is the single best technique for very precise and accurate seams, allowing you to complete some very complex blocks with ease.

Foundation piecing is a bit counter intuitive when you first start, but once you get the first couple of pieces stitched down, it is quick and very easy.  I will embed a link to a tutorial below.

There are a number of fabulous quilt designers using foundation piecing predominantly in their quilts.  The work of Jaqueline de Jong and Judy Niemeyer,  both of whose patterns I will have in stock in the new year, are great examples.  However one of my favourite design pairs using paper piecing are the mother/daughter team that are Sassafras Lane Designs.  In 2015 I ran their Arcadia Avenue Block of the Month.  In 2016 I am running their Empire Place BOM.

Here are the two colourways I am running:

Empire Place Timeless fabrics sml Empire Place MM fabrics sml

My Christmas special on these is that if you enrol in the BOM in the next 48 hours, I will send you two additional foundation piecing quilt patterns as a bonus.  Value will exceed $30.

Here is the link if you would like to get more information and/or register


Here is a link to the Sassafras Lane tutorial on foundation piecing.  I think it is a bit more complicated than entirely necessary, but take the ideas and work out what works for you.


12 Days of Christmas – Day 10 – Modern Clearance

15 12 2015

Today is less of a Christmas special and more of a Christmas clearance, but the end result is the same.  I have fabric and patterns that I just want to get rid of so I have priced these at around and below half price.  My standard pricing was below recommended retail to start with and now I have dramatically reduced these.  So please take them to your house.  Here are the three details:

Modern Plaids – reduced by 50%.


These plaids are not the low quality that you expect.  They are the same fibre and thread count as all the normal patchwork fabric and are great for childrens clothes and toys, household items, rugs and of course gorgeous quilts.   Here is the link:  http://www.uniquestitching.com.au/p/9056684/12-days-of-christmas—day—10-modern-quilt-studio—modern-plaid-collection.html

Modern Plaid Quilt Kit

plaid quilt

I have kitted up the free pattern that the manufacturer provided for these fabrics (plus a couple of others).  It is a very effective quilt and I use my version as a picnic rug.  Instead of putting on a traditional backing, I backed it with Multipurpose Cloth to give me a water proof background.

Here is the link to the free pattern:  http://www.andoverfabrics.com/Quilts/The%20Modern%20Plaid%20Collection.pdf

and here is the link to buy the kit:  http://www.uniquestitching.com.au/p/9059566/12-days-of-christmas—day-10—modern-plaid-quilt-kit.html

The final part of this clearance is a deep discount on the Modern Quilt Studio patterns.  Again over 50% of RRP.  Go here to see the options:  http://www.uniquestitching.com.au/c/4552122/1/modern-quilt-studio-.html

12 Days of Christmas – Day 9 – Working with Hessian or Burlap

14 12 2015

Hessian is one of my favourite ‘specialty’ fabric as it has such great texture.  When you mix up your fabrics using some rough, some shiny, some flat, some luscious, you get a lot of visual contrast, dimension and complexity.

Generally working with the specialty fabric is not that much harder than working with cottons, but some may need some extra love to get them to behave.  Hessian does need a little bit of preparation to get it to be nice.  It is, fundamentally an industrial fabric, not designed for fine sewing and textile art projects but that does not mean we can not use it.  I want to discuss some of the issues.

  1.  It is grubby, flakes and smells.  Yes, it does all of those things.  However it also washes easily, can easily be ironed and softens once washed.  Washing it can be a challenge.  If you have a large amount, you need a big container to soak it in.  Don’t put it in your washing machine.  If you have small pieces, the movement of washing it might result in a lot of fraying and unravelling.  See below about fraying.  I have largely fixed this problem for you with the hand dyed hessian.  The process of scouring, dyeing and rinsing the dyed hessian has removed almost all of the excess fibre, has cleaned out all the rubbish and significantly softened the hand of the fabric.  I have also cut off the frayed bits and put them in my stash.
  2. It frays.  Yes, it can do that too.  You can hem the hessian, including a blind or rolled hem or you can stitch the edges to stabilise them.  If you have an overlocker (serger) use this or just do solid zigzag around the edges a couple of times.
  3. It is itchy and prickly.  Once it is washed, this is largely resolved, but don’t use hessian in a bed quilt or baby toys for obvious reasons.
  4. It is hard to cut straight.  Although this does not bother me that much personally, I understand that you might not be comfortable with unevenness.  This is easily resolve by finding the first straight strand or thread that reaches from each ends of the hessian.  Slowly pull that out and you will have a clear, straight channel to trim the hessian back to.

Despite some of these negatives, hessian is well worth including in your textile and mixed media work.  In small amounts it can really change the visual impact of a piece.  It is also a fabulous textural background that leaves scope for pretty much any project direction.  It irons well and can be used with any double sided web such as Vliesofix etc.

I have 20 different colours in hand dyed hessian and todays special is for you to buy six but only pay for five.  I also have a small number of scap bags available on the website.


This photo shows 18 of the 20 colours.


Like most things, there are heaps of ideas and photos on the web.  Google working with Hessian or Burlap and you will find heaps.  There is also a number of boards on Pinterest.  Here is one example.    https://www.pinterest.com/glhaygirl/working-with-burlap/

12 Days of Christmas 2015 – Day 8 – Velvets, metals and more

13 12 2015

I have some Christmas decorations I am going to show you, but I don’t have the photos ready, so I will post a second post later today.  In the meantime, here is today’s Christmas special bundle.  It is actually one of my favourite.

alysn xmas

Alysn Midgelow Marsden’s book is terrific.  You also get some metal shim, metallic foils, metal wax and a fat quarter of velvet.  Colours of the velvet and wax will vary.  This special is less than half price.  All four items included with the book are great fun to play with.  This link will take you to a post I did some time ago on using metallic foils:

Three fabulous ways to use Foils on Fabric

You can just get the book by itself if you prefer.  Both specials are great value.

Here is where you will find the Book Bundle special:  http://www.uniquestitching.com.au/p/9121860/12-days-of-christmas—stitch-fibre-metal-and-mixed-media-book-by-alysn-midgelow-marsden.html



12 Days of Christmas 2015 – Day 7 – Focus on Surface Design

12 12 2015

Todays special is a simple one.  I have taken $45 off the Jacquard Screen Printing Kits – they are now only $60, while stock lasts.  Here is the link:  http://www.uniquestitching.com.au/p/9074603/jacquard-screen-printing-kit.html

screen 1 screen 2

I also want let you know that I have opened up bookings on our first online class for a long time. I have upgraded all the technology so it will be full of video, forum, and feedback. You can join at any time, but if you join before 31st December 2015, there is some added bonuses.

Image 5 foiled fabric sml

Dragonfly fabric small

This is your opportunity to do some of the classes I teach in Houston and Birmingham without having to leave your home.  You can click on the flyer to find out more details.  This will be a comprehensive coverage of a broad range of surface design techniques and once you have access to the material it is your forever.  You can keep going back to it at any time.

Stunning Surfaces Art Cloth Online Class 2016



12 Days of Christmas 2015 – Day 6 – Christmas Stitcheries

11 12 2015

Today’s post is going to be short and sweet.  The time between Christmas and New Year is often time to slow down, relax and rejuvenate.  For me it is the time that I do the most planning for the year to come.  December/January usually see me in one place for more than a few weeks at a time and it is when I can get a lot of work done.  This year will be no different and I have a number of things in the works for 2016 that I will be able to share soon.

One of these projects has had me dust off my embroidery skills.  I, like many, made an embroidery sampler when I was quite small, primary school age, and have always done some sort of stitching.  In the last few weeks, I have been taping videos of some of this which has not proven to be all that easy.  Anyway, I am not going to share my videos just yet, but I found a simple and quick one on Youtube that covers off on seven basic stitches.

It is here:

Why have I shared an embroidery video today?  Well, that is because today’s special is on Christmas Stitcheries.

If you buy any of our Stitcheries by Bird Brain Designs in the next two days, I will give you half a metre of gorgeous ‘Snow’ Kona cotton to stitch it on plus a ball of DMC Christmas Red Size 8 Perle thread free.

Here is the link to the website:  http://www.uniquestitching.com.au/c/4547190/1/embroidery-and-stitching.html.

There is still time to make some nice decorations and these, either as patterns or finished, will make great stocking stuffers.  Here are some of the patterns to give you an idea.

BBD510 BBD236 BBD235 BBD160 BBD146 BBD145 BBD125 BBD123

12 Days of Christmas 2015 – Day 3 – Ice Resin Jewellery or Ornaments

8 12 2015

On the third day of Christmas we add some bling.  There is always room for bling.  Ice resin is a fabulous, jewellery quality cold resin that is easy to use.  You can get it in syringe or in larger bottles. The syringe is a perfect way to start and see if you like this as it measures out the two parts of the resin perfectly without you worrying.  Once measured out, you simply stir gently and then use it in hundreds of different ways:  to fill bezels, seal paper, glaze objects or even as a strong, clear glue.  There hundreds of uses and if you go to You tube, dozens of tutorials and projects.  Today I am going to keep it a bit simple and stick to the basics.

This is todays 12 Days bundle:

12 Days resin

You get some resin, a packet of Mica Tiles (trust me you are going to want those) and three to five bezels.  The bezels will vary from bundle to bundle.  Lets see how to use it and get some ideas.

This video introduces the creator of the ice resin and shows you how quick and easy it is to use.

Here is a video showing you some simple steps in adding media to the bezel.  Take the ideas and add your own bits, found objects, paper, fabric, glitter, beads, anything and seal it with the resin.

I have made numerous embellishments with bezels and ice resin.  At this time of year, this is a great way to personalise Christmas ornaments.  Here are a couple of samples I have made:

bezel tags


bezel 1         bezel 3a       bezel 2

If you would like to have a play with this fabulous product, follow this link from now until December 10 2015.





12 Days of Christmas 2015 – Day Two – Fancy Forest Quilt Kit

7 12 2015

We are running a number of great Blocks of the Month for 2016. You can see the details of all of them by following this link: http://www.uniquestitching.com.au/c/195258/1/clubs-subs-and-boms.html

As a result of already having two new BOMs lined up, I resisted falling in love with any more. Sometimes, resistance is futile. This became especially so when I saw Elizabeth Hartman’s Fancy Forest Quilt.

FancyForest BOM

I don’t normally do cute. I don’t normally do projects that are dominantly Northern Hemisphere, but there was something about this quilt that I could not walk past, so I have ordered some (well, maybe more than ‘some’) and they are due to arrive in February 2016.

I struggled with the concept of this as a potential Block of the Month though. There is fundamentally only 6 or 7 different blocks in the whole piece, repeated. To me a BOM should be quite different every month and ideally stretch your skill level as you complete it, gaining in complexity as you go. Fancy Forest wont do that. You can do this as one big quilt, one little quilt or four panels that can be built into anything. So I was not going to run the programme as a BOM. I have kits coming. However, as it is nearly Christmas, I am also going to offer this as a BOM over twelve months, not because I think it is a traditional BOM. I am offering this over 12 months so that you effectively have a ‘layby’ option and can spread the cost.

Numbers of the BOM will be strictly limited.

For a Christmas special, I am offering the full kit at 30% off for two days. To go straight to the kit, follow this link: http://www.uniquestitching.com.au/p/9096332/fancy-forest-full-kit-by-elizabeth-hartman—pre-order-for-february-2016-delivery.html

Please bare in mind that this offer is a pre order. Kits will not be released until February 2016. By ordering now, you are guaranteeing your kit at a fabulous price. (And I know precisely how many I need)

12 Days of Christmas 2015 – Day 1 – Gelli Printing

6 12 2015

I love Monoprinting. I really do. It is one of THE simplest and most effective ways to get paint onto a surface in an original, unique way. You can print onto any surface that is flat (ish) and will hold paint: from fabric to card and paper; leather, ceramics, cork, wood, canvas, glass, you name it.

I discovered the Gelli Plates when they were first released and have been bringing them into Australia since that time, over four years now. Although I have been monoprinting on home made gelatin beds, glass and acrylic for over twenty years, I think the Gelli plates are the best tool. Once you have one, you never need to replace it and as long as you store it flat and keep it moderately clean, it will last a life time. I have made countless fabrics, either as feature fabrics that I chop up or as backgrounds with the Gelli plate as well as hundreds of sheets of paper and card plus too many canvasses to count.

gelli prints sml

The technique is really three simple steps: apply paint to the plate and roll it out; create a texture in the painted surface; and press your printable item onto the paint.

Here is a video produced by Gelli Arts when the plates were first released. It still shows the process really well.

http://www.gelliarts.com have a great range of technique based videos that you can check out for ideas and projects.

Some time ago, circular Gelli Plates were introduced and I was not sure why we would need them. Then, I got one and of course then needed all three sizes. Here is a large canvas I made with the 6inch circle.
round Gelli canvas

and here is a video, again, by Gelli Arts:

and a video by Gelli Arts using Catalyst Tools:

For this first day of my 12 Days of Christmas, I have a package of two Gelli Plates and three Catalyst tools, reduced by 30%. Click this link to purchase: http://www.uniquestitching.com.au/p/9096299/12-days-gelli-plate-package.html

12 day Gelli

All 12 Days of Christmas specials will be available for approximately 48 hours then they will be gone.